Spaldington Parish Council the heart of East Yorkshire, for the benefit of the Community...

You are very welcome to the wonderful Parish of Spaldington, in the heart of East Yorkshire.  

Please have a look at the history of the village and the Parish Council information. You will find lots of helpful sources of information as well as how to find us.

The Parish Council is also on Facebook and has it's own page - just search Spaldington Parish Council.  There is lots of local attractions and news of local activities. 


October 2024 Parish Council meeting agenda

7:30 pm, Monday 7 October 2024
SALKO Office, Spaldington



Members of the public are invited to make representations to the Clerk in respect of any business on the agenda to the email address shown on the foot of this notice. Members of the public and press are also invited to address the Parish Council during the “Public Participation” agenda item. 

This notice was posted on 2 October 2024.



You are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting to be held at the time, date and location shown on this notice.



For decision

  1. To agree apologies received
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. September 2024 Parish Council meeting minutes

For noting

  1. Public participation

For decision (continued)

  1. To agree to adopt revised Standing Orders.
  2. To agree to adopt revised Code of Conduct.
  3. To agree to adopt new Financial Regulations.
  4. To agree to adopt new Scheme of Delegation to the Clerk.
  5. To agree the recommendations contained within the Clerk’s Policy Review
  6. To agree to hold Parish Council meetings on the following dates:
  • 4 November 2024 (at which the 2025/26 budget and precept should be considered)
  • 6 January 2024 (at which the 2025/26 precept should be agreed for submission to East Riding of Yorkshire Council)
  • 3 March 2024
  • 12 May 2024 (which will also be the date of the 2025 Annual Parish meeting and the 2025 Annual Parish Council meeting)

and to review these arrangements at the 2025 Annual Parish Council meeting.

  1. To appoint a provider to deliver a new Parish Council website and email addresses.
  2. To agree to purchase Scribe Lite accounting software to manage the Council’s accounts at a cost of £240.00 per annum. 
  3. To agree to add the Clerk to the Council’s online banking account in order to view the accounts and submit transactions for authorisation. 
  4. Financial Report.
  5. To discuss options for addressing speeding in Spaldington village, in particular on Main Street, with a view to agreeing potential solutions.
  1. To agree, at the payroll company’s request, to adjust the end date of the Clerk’s temporary contract to 31 August 2024 and the start date of the Clerk’s fixed term contract to 1 September 2024.
  2. To agree the Clerk’s fixed term contract.


For noting (continued)

  1. To note the External Auditor’s Report.
  2. To note upcoming training available for councillors.
  3. Correspondence.
  4. Issues raised by councillors.


Jake Wilde

Clerk to Spaldington Parish Council

53 Carter Street, Howden

East Riding of Yorkshire


Media article on the new Spaldington Entrance signage 

The Parish Council are very glad to announce to the community that following a long running project managed by Cllr Murphy the new and brilliant entrance signage has been completed.  It provides a very professional and welcoming entrance to the community and visitors to the village.

We wish to thank various parties in the project including the Windfarm Fund for the financial support, Shane Alder of Alder Building, our Ward Councillors (Cllr' Aitken and Watkinson), local businesses including Croft Caste Signs, SALKO and Ashton Composting Ltd, as well as Goole Times for promoting the project.  They also wish to thank the community for their continued support which is gratefully received.

This project appeared in Goole Times  - please click HERE for details.

19 October 2023


Further consultation request from BOOM about solar panel development 

The Parish Council wish to make the community aware that BOOM have asked for a further consultation due to changes on the boundaries on the proposed development.

Please attached the details of the email from BOOK here.

01 September 2023


Temporary Closure of Spaldington Road for urgent repairs  - 31 July to 07 August 2023 

The Parish Council wishes to ensure that the community of Spaldington and the surround community are aware that the Spaldington Road will be temporarily closed between the dates of the 31 July to 07 August.  

The formal notice from the Highways Team is HERE.

10 July 2023


Closure of Bubwith Bridge for urgent repairs and rebuild - July 2023 for 20 weeks

The Parish Council wishes to ensure that the community of Spaldington and the surround community are aware that following a lengthy investigation into the structural issues of Bubwith Bridge, the decision has been taken by ERYC Highways to close the Bridge for 20 weeks from July 2023.  This is to allow a partial rebuild and full repair and to ensure that it can be used by all vehicles in the future.

The link to the full letter from ERYC is as follows:

Letter from ERYC Highways about Bubwith Bridge

31 May 2023


BOOM Solar meeting for Spaldington residents to allow concerns to be discussed 

The Parish Council wishes to ensure that the community of Spaldington are aware that following lobbying from Spaldington Parish Council, BOOM Solar have agreed to extend their consultation meeting on Thursday 25 May 2023 (scheduled between 6-7pm), for a further 30 minutes specifically for the community to discuss their concerns.  It will be via an online webinar for anyone to join at 7pm.

The link is as follows:

22 May 2023


Election of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Council 

The Parish Council wish to announce that at the Annual Parish Council Meeting Cllr Ashton was re-elected by the Council as Chair of the Parish Council and Cllr Westin was re-elected to the position of Vice Chair of the Parish Council.

The Council wish them well in their roles.

17 May 2023


Notice of temporary closure of Willitoft Road on 12-13 June 2023

The Parish Council have received notification from the Highways Team at ERYC that they are closing the Willitoft Road as from 12 - 13 June 2023.  This is to allow the Openreach underground maintenance.   We have been told there will be a diversion signing at the road entrance.

05 May 2023


Parish Council elections - 04 May 2023:  Notice of uncontested election.

The Clerk of the Spaldington Parish Council wishes to make it known that the Returning Officer of East Riding of Yorkshire Council has confirmed that as there was only four candidates for the Parish Council and there are seven Councillor places, the candidates will be formally elected by uncontested election.  The confirmed persons formally elected to the Parish Council are:





The Council wishes to place it sincere thanks and appreciation to former Cllr James Hall who has decided to step down and not seek further election.  The Councillors wanted to personally thank Cllr Hall for his work of the community of Spaldington and wish him well in future.

25 April 2023


Notice of temporary closure of Spaldington Road

The Parish Council have received notification from the Highways Team at ERYC that they are closing the Spaldington Road for emergency work as from 17 March to the 23 March 2023.  This is to allow the emergency works of "VA20 renew air valve".  We have been told there will be a diversion signing at the road entrance.


Statement from the Parish Council in regard to the Boom Solar Panel development 

While it has been noted that some members of the local community or further afield may feel disappointed that the Spaldington Parish Council have not categorically been against the solar farm development, the Council have rightly taken a decision to wait for the actual planning application before a formal stance of the Parish  Council is taken by the Councillors after a proper analysis and review .  They do wish it noted that while some members of the community do wish to protest as strongly as possible against the development (as they are perfectly entitled to),  some members of the community are not against the proposed development and thus it would be irresponsible for the Spaldington Parish Council to take a position on the development when not all the details of the planned development are known, as well as the fact that the actual planning application has not been submitted.

A significant element of proper Parish Council management is not to predetermine any issues before the Parish Council Meetings and before all the information is known.  If the Councillors did this it would be abject rejection of proper Parish Council obligations as per legislation.

The Council also wish the community and the stakeholders further afield to know that the Council has written several times to the proposed developer with many, and detailed concerns of the Parish Council of current known plan details specifically the effect on the local Spaldington community as well as possible detrimental issues that may last for many generations.  The Councillors have undertaken this to ensure that when the formal planning application is made, the Planning Committee, both local and national, are aware of the many concerns raised and can be conscious of these when reviewing the application.

The Council have received a response from the developer and their representatives of the concerns raised by  Spaldington Parish Council.  They have also been in regular contact with the local Member of Parliament to ensure that if / when this planning issue gets to a national planning regulator, the interests and concerns of the  affected local communities are properly represented.

The Council feel that staying neutral until all the detail is known after the formal planning application is submitted is the proper way forward, which then will allow a proper, detailed and appropriate conclusion on the stance that the Spaldington Parish Council will take.

The Parish Council will always act in the best interests of the community of Spaldington.  But will also always welcome feedback from the local members of the community.

06 February 2023


Precept for Spaldington for 2023/24

The Parish Council wishes to let the Community of Spaldington know that at the meeting of the Parish Council on the 21 December 2022, the Councillors agreed that they would reduce the Precept for the 2023/24.  They have followed through with their commitment made in January 2022 and the Precept will reduce by £1,250 or 15%.  The Council have accepted the recommendation by the Clerk that both allows the Council to ensure it is financially sound but also recognises the fact that the community is facing increased economic pressures.  The Chair wishes to reassure the community that despite the reduction of the precept, the Council now had a solid financial base.

22 December 2022


Statement by Ms Alison Inglis on behalf of Inglis Farming Ltd 

Following a successful meeting with a representative of the AD Plant, the Councillors were able to ensure that their concerns were raised with the various personnel from the organisation and in return the AD Plant gave a commitment to review the issues and ascertain how they can help.

A statement was issued by the contractors of the AD Plant:

We are the contractors who remove the digestate that is produced by the R100 AD Plant, this is an organic fertilizer, which is then spread on the land of local farmers.

We are aware that during the early summer this year we had a couple of issues with one of our drivers, we can only apologise for the driver mounting the grass verge on Spaldington Lane, she was faced with a lorry coming in the other direction, who did not use the passing place she was expecting him to and unfortunately she saw no other option, we use only experienced tractor drivers and have made sure that this has not happened since with a bit of in house training. Also, there was an incident which led to a broken wing mirror and again we offer our sincere apologies, the wing mirror was replaced and paid for us straight away.

Living in a nearby village ourselves we make sure our drivers keep to the speed limit and are respectful of the unspoken " rural code ".

If there are any issues/problems going forwards, please contact either myself (07921 765 760 or Robert (07801 663 146 and we will address your concerns immediately.

It is our aim to promote a positive relationship between ourselves and the local community and to be open and available at all times.

13 December 2022


Full Parish Meeting - 12 December 2022 CANCELLED

The Parish Council wishes to note that due to the wintry conditions, the Full Parish Meeting on the 12 December 2022 has had to be cancelled at last minute.  The Clerk and Chair wish to apologise for any inconvenience for any community intending to join the meeting but hope that they can understand it was done on safety grounds.  The meeting has been rearranged for Wednesday 21 December 2022 at 7.30pm.


Meeting with the Howden Development Developers - J G Hatcliffe Property & Planning

Following a meeting with the developers of the very large Howden development which would look to build new roads, 3000 properties (eventually) as well as new infrastructure, the Spaldington Parish Council were able to discuss their concerns about the impact of this major development on Spaldington and particular the roads around the village - specifically the C88. It was felt that the concerns were needed to be expressed to ensure that when the final plans of the development were agreed with ERYC, the concerns of Spaldington PC were included.

The developers were very open to the concerns and appreciated that the major development would probably involve an increase in large scale traffic, specifically HGVs, and that some road users may look to use the C88 as a shortcut to get back to the motorways. They assured the PC that they would ensure that any contracts with building contractors would include some safeguards on road usage, and in addition once the development commenced they would sponsor the application to the Highways to introduce a weight limit on the road but with some local access for local companies.

It was agreed that to ensure that the developers would stand by their commitments, they would issue the following statement:

J G Hatcliffe Property & Planning welcomed the opportunity to discuss further the concerns of Spaldington Parish Council in respect of the impact of HGV’s currently being         experienced on the C88 together with your additional concerns of the potential consequential impact of our proposed ‘HOW-G’ development.

As a result of the meeting Tony Kirby, Director of Local Transport Projects, has produced a preliminary plan on our behalf detailing proposed 7.5T environmental weight limits in Spaldington (copy plan attached). The Plan also includes proposed weight limit restrictions on Station Road and Flatgate, Howden. A meeting has been held with East Riding of Yorkshire Council and the proposals detailed in the Plan were discussed and positively received. J G Hatcliffe have agreed to promote the weight limit proposals which it will endeavour to include in any future 106 Agreement relating to the HOW-G development. In addition, J G Hatcliffe have offered to fund the associated Traffic Regulation Order that will be required.

For clarification, the weight limit restrictions will only take effect once the new HOW-G Relief Road has been completed, however, any planning approval for the road will require a Construction Traffic Management Plan that would impose a routing strategy for all traffic during the construction phase.

09 November 2022


EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE COUNCIL Local Plan Presentation - Tuesday 08 November 2022 12-6pm SHIRE HALL, HOWDEN

We have been asked to ensure that the community of Spaldington is aware that ERYC are putting on a presentation and displaying detail of their proposed 20 year Local Plan for building. They are encouraging as many of the residents in the community to visit the presentation and give their views.



Community Meeting to discuss the BOOM Solar Panel project - Monday 10 October 2022 6.30 Fir Tree Centre, Spaldington 

As most in the community will be aware, there are plans by BOOM Solar to apply for planning permission for multiple installations of Solar Panels across the local area.  As there have been some concerns raised by the local community, the Spaldington Parish Council in conjunction with the Ward Councillors and local community members have arranged a meeting at the Fir Tree Centre in Spaldington on Monday 10 October at 6.30pm.  This will allow the Community to discuss the issues that may be caused by the installation of the solar panels at multiple local areas.

The Meeting is open to all and everyone is welcome to attend to listen to the concerns and raise any questions.


Update on the arrangements of the acknowledgements and Services for the remembrance of HM Queen Elizabeth II

As has been announced by HM Government, the Spaldington Parish Council would like to encourage all the members of the community to participate in the minute's silence on Sunday, 18 September 2022 at 8pm in remembrance of our late Queen.    This is to allow a formal remembrance of HM The Queen and to the allow moment of consideration of her  Service to the Country for over 70 years.

We have been made aware that the Deputy Lord Lieutenant will be attending at Howden Town Council to lead the one minute's silence in the evening of 18 September 2022 following which he will be leading the Proclamation.

We are also aware that in Howden at 11am on Sunday, 18 September 2022 there will be a Service of Commemoration to which all members of the Spaldington Parish Community are invited. 

The Chair and the Parish Council thank all the community of Spaldington at this time of remembrance of our HM The Queen for their support.

13 September 2022


Message from the Chair and the Councillors of Spaldington Parish Council on the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II

It is with great sadness that Buckingham Palace has announced the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

The Chair and the Councillors of Spaldington wish to express their sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II and express their support to our new King and Queen Consort.

Further messages will be published by Spaldington Parish Council on plans to mark the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II in due course.


Invitation to the community for volunteers to help manage the Phone Box uses

The Parish Council has recently received numerous ideas on what to do with the refurbished phone box which is nearly finished.  Whilst the Council wish to properly review the ideas, including having a mini-library, they are wanting to invite the local community or community groups, to offer any expressions of interest in helping to manage the phone box once the future use has been decided by the Parish Council.  The main issue the Council wishes to explore is the resources needed and thus want to invite any local interest help manage the use.  Any expressions of help can be made via the main Parish Council email:

Thank you to all for the support.

05 September 2022


External Auditor investigation report - formal response by the Parish Council 

The Parish Council has received a full response and update on the formal investigation by the External Auditor following various complaints that a member of the community submitted to them in 2020.  The Parish Council formally replied to all the complaints in December 2020 - it has now recently received the final report on the findings of the investigation.  The Parish Council are very pleased to announce that all of the complaints have either been dismissed or not deemed worthy of further investigation.  The Parish Council has agreed a formal response to the various complaints - please click HERE for the full Parish Council response.

To conclude the Parish Council now feels that the various and multiple issues that the Council have faced over the last few years in regard the audit complaints can now be put behind them and look forward to working with the local community for a better Spaldington.

08 June 2022


Election of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Council 

The Parish Council wish to announce that at the Annual Parish Council Meeting Cllr Ashton was re-elected by the Council as Chair of the Parish Council and Cllr Westin was elected to the position of Vice Chair of the Parish Council.

The Council wish them well in their roles.

10 May 2022


Chair's report at the Annual Meeting of the Parish - Monday 09 May 2022

For the benefit of the community, please find attached the Chair's Report from the Annual Parish Meeting of 2022 held on the 09 May 2022.

The Chair's Report is find by clicking HERE


Date for Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish - Monday 09 May 2022

The Parish Council wish to announce that both the Annual Parish Council Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish will be held at Howden Town Council Offices on Monday 09 May 2022.  The APCM will be at 7pm and the AMP will be held at 7.45pm. While it is hoped that both meetings will be broadcast by remote digital means, the whole the community are welcome to attend the meetings.

20 April 2022


Date for next Parish Council Meeting - Monday 18 April 2022

Due to availability of attendees for the PC Meeting in April, it has been agreed with the Chair of the PC that the next PC meeting will be moved back two weeks and will be Monday 18 April 2022 at 7.30pm.   There will be very limited members of the public availability but it will again be broadcast via Zoom.

25 March 2022


Zoom link for PC Meeting on the 07 Feb 2022

The Parish Council wish to apologise for the technological issue it faced at the Full Parish Council Meeting on the 07 February 2022.   Unfortunately the online wi-fi connection the PC had hoped to use to broadcast the PC Meeting and allow members of the community to watch and ask questions of the Councillors became very unstable and thus was not strong enough to continue the Zoom broadcast.  The Councillors had to make a decision with regret and cancelled the Zoom link due to the unstable nature - the meeting was recorded and the digital recording will be published on this website in due course.

The Councillors' apologise for any inconvenience caused to the members of the community who had connected to the Zoom link but where unable to see or hear the PC meeting.

The draft minutes will be published as normal within the next week.

07 February 2022


Good news - article in the Goole Times

The Spaldington Parish Council is very proud to announce that there was an article in the Goole Times this week about the village and community of Spaldington.  The Parish Council wished to formally lay thanks to two local businesses - SALKO Ltd and ASHTONS COMPOSTING Ltd - who have been very generous over the recent year in community projects. They both stepped in at very late notice when promised local funding for the new Village Noticeboard fell through at the last minute - both local businesses agreed to provide the necessary funding (in excess of £1,500) to ensure that the liability didn't fall on the shoulders of the local community through the precept.

The link to the article for reading is available is you click here.

Spaldington Parish Council wishes to lay it's thanks to these businesses for their continued support.

04 February 2022


Use of salt in the salt bins in the Parish

The Parish Council does wish to ensure all the community is aware that they are more than welcome to use the salt grit in the salt bins and the Parish Council will ensure these are kept full.  But the Parish Council does wish to make the Community aware that anyone uses the salt grit does so at their own risk and responsibility.

Thank you.  19 January 2022.


Report of work agreed in the Village with Parish Liaison Team from East Riding Yorkshire Council

The Council is very pleased to report that following the expect work from Cllr Westin, the ERYC have agreed a schedule of work in the village of Spaldington.

The two reports are below:

SPC GM Schedule

SPC Taskforce Schedule

The work will commence shortly and will be arranged as appropriate


News and pictures of what is happening to the old Parish phone box


As the community will know, the Council took the decision to have the old phone box renovated and refurbished to restore it to it's former glory.  The phone box has been sent away for a full sandblasting process as well as much needed repair and  repainting.  Once it fully restored, the Council will invite the community to submit ideas of what to do with the phone box.

For photos on the renovation process, please click HERE


The new defibrillator in the Parish

The Council after reviewing the old defib machine in the Parish, found that it was beyond use as it not been maintained unfortunately.  As the defib machine may be crucial to saving a life in the community, the Council took the decision to enter into a new leasing arrangement with Defib Ltd.  This new defib machine has been fitted and is ready to use in an emergency - the code of the secure box it sits in is known by the Councillors but crucially by the emergency service in the event of a 999 call.

The defib is near the noticeboard in Main Street, Spaldington.

Whilst training is not needed in an emergency situation as the defib machine gives instructions, our suppliers have provided an overview of how it works if any member of the community wishes to review it in action.  The link is:


Long term Strategy for Grant applications - Report by Cllr. Murphy.

Please find further details in the Parish Council New / News.



This website has been created to enable Spaldington Parish Council to comply with the requirements of the Government's Transparency Code. However, since a number of residents are not internet-connected and broadband speed in much of the parish is limited, information will continue to be placed on the Parish noticeboard.