Spaldington Parish Council the heart of East Yorkshire, for the benefit of the Community...

April 2023 to March 2024

The Parish Council met on 21 December 2022 and agreed the budget for the financial year of 2023-2024.  The Council have the pleasure to say that they have managed to keep to their commitment and the Precept will DECREASE from 2022/23.  The Precept will be £12,250 which is a decrease of 15% or £1,250.

This has been achieved because of the careful financial management of the Council this year.

The Council want to ensure complete transparency and to provide details to the Community how their resources are used.  Thus if you wish to review the budget for 2023/24, please click here.     Please note these are budgeted 'in year' financial activities and do not include the brought forward figures from 2022 -2023 and were designed to show 'in year' solvency.


April 2022 to March 2023

The Parish Council met on 19 January 2022 and agreed the budget for the financial year of 2022-2023.  This includes an increase in the Precept for the Parish up to £13,500.  This is primarily to ensure that the Council can start to rebuild the reserves provision. 

The Council want to ensure complete transparency and to provide details to the Community how their resources are used.

For detail of the Budget for the Parish Council, please click here.  Please note these are budgeted 'in year' financial activities and do not include the brought forward figures from 2021 -2022 and were designed to show 'in year' solvency.


April 2021 to March 2022

The Parish Council met on 07 December 2020 and agreed the budget for the financial year of 2021-2022.  This includes an increase in the Precept for the Parish up to £10,000.  This is primarily to ensure that the Council has sufficient provision for the External Auditor cost.  

The Council want to ensure complete transparency and to provide details to the Community how their resources are used.

For detail of the Budget for the Parish Council, please click here.  Please note these are budgeted 'in year' financial activities and do not include the brought forward figures from 2020 -2021and were designed to show 'in year' solvency.